

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

1. Helps Keep Your Immune System Humming

“Sexually active people take fewer sick days,” says Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD a sexual health expert.
People who have sex have higher levels of what defends your body against germs, viruses, and other intruders. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the a certain antibody compared to students who had sex less often.
You should still do all the other things that make your immune system happy, such as:
  • Eat right.
  • Stay active.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Keep up with your vaccinations.
  • Use a condom if you don’t know both of your STD statuses.

2. Boosts Your Libido

Longing for a more lively sex life? “Having sex will make sex better and will improve your libido,” says Lauren Streicher, MD. She is an assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.
For women, having sex ups vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and elasticity, she says, all of which make sex feel better and help you crave more of it.

3. Improves Women's Bladder Control

A strong pelvic floor is important for avoiding incontinence, something that will affect about 30% of women at some point in their lives.
Good sex is like a workout for your pelvic floor muscles. When you have an orgasm, it causes contractions in those muscles, which strengthens them.

4. Lowers Your Blood Pressure

Research suggests a link between sex and lower blood pressure, says Joseph J. Pinzone, MD. He is CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness.

“There have been many studies,” he says. “One landmark study found that sexual intercourse specifically (not masturbation) lowered systolic blood pressure.” That's the first number on your blood pressure test.

5. Counts as Exercise

“Sex is a really great form of exercise,” Pinzone says. It won’t replace the treadmill, but it counts for something.
Sex uses about five calories per minute, four more calories than watching TV. It gives you a one-two punch: It bumps up your heart rate and uses various muscles.
So get busy! You may even want to clear your schedule to make time for it on a regular basis.  “Like with exercise, consistency helps maximize the benefits,” Pinzone says.

6. Lowers Heart Attack Risk

A good sex life is good for your heart. Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance.
“When either one of those is low you begin to get lots of problems, like osteoporosis and even heart disease,” Pinzone says.
Having sex more often may help. During one study, men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart disease as men who had sex rarely.

7. Lessens Pain

Before you reach for an aspirin, try for an orgasm.
“Orgasm can block pain,” says Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, a distinguished service professor at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. It releases a hormone that helps raise your pain threshold.
Stimulation without orgasm can also do the trick. “We’ve found that vaginal stimulation can block chronic back and leg pain, and many women have told us that genital self-stimulation can reduce menstrual cramps, arthritic pain, and in some cases even headache,” Komisaruk says.

8. May Make Prostate Cancer Less Likely

Going for the gusto may help ward off prostate cancer.
Men who ejaculated frequently (at least 21 times a month) were less likely to get prostate cancer during one study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
You don’t need a partner to reap this benefit: Sexual intercourse, nocturnal emission, and masturbation were all part of the equation.
It's not clear that sex was the only reason that mattered in that study. Lots of factors affect cancer risk. But more sex won’t hurt.

9. Improves Sleep

You may nod off more quickly after sex, and for good reason.
“After orgasm, the hormone prolactin is released, which is responsible for the feelings of relaxation and sleepiness" after sex, says Sheenie Ambardar, MD. She is a psychiatrist in West Hollywood, Calif.

10. Eases Stress

Being close to your partner can soothe stress and anxiety.
Ambardar says touching and hugging can release your body's natural “feel-good hormone.” Sexual arousal releases a brain chemical that revs up your brain’s pleasure and reward system.
Sex and intimacy can boost your self-esteem and happiness, too, Ambardar says. It’s not only a prescription for a healthy life, but a happy one.

Sexual Problems in Men

A sexual problem, or sexual dysfunction, refers to a problem during any phase of the sexual response cycle that prevents the man or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the activity. The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
While research suggests that sexual dysfunction is common (43% of women and 31% of men report some degree of difficulty), it is a topic that many people are hesitant to discuss. Fortunately, most cases of sexual dysfunction are treatable, so it is important to share your concerns with your partner and doctor.

What Causes Male Sexual Problems?

Sexual dysfunction in men can be a result of a physical or psychological problem.
  • Physical causes: Many physical and medical conditions can cause problems with sexual function. These conditions include diabetes, heart and vascular (blood vessel) disease, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure, and alcoholism and drug abuse. In addition, the side effects of certain medications, including some antidepressant drugs, can affect sexual desire and function.
  • Psychological causes: These include work-related stress and anxiety, concern about sexual performance, marital or relationship problems, depression, feelings of guilt, and the effects of a past sexual trauma.

Who Is Affected by Sexual Problems?

Both men and women are affected by sexual problems. Sexual problems occur in adults of all ages. Among those commonly affected are those in the geriatric population, which may be related to a decline in health associated with aging.

How Do Sexual Problems Affect Men?

The most common sexual problems in men are ejaculation disorders, erectile dysfunction, and inhibited sexual desire.

What Are Ejaculation Disorders?

There are different types of ejaculation disorders in men, including:
  • Premature ejaculation: This refers to ejaculation that occurs before or soon after penetration.
  • Inhibited or retarded ejaculation: This is when ejaculation is slow to occur.
  • Retrograde ejaculation: This occurs when, at orgasm, the ejaculate is forced back into the bladder rather than through the urethra and out the end of the penis.
In some cases, premature and inhibited ejaculation are caused by psychological factors, including a strict religious background that causes the person to view sex as sinful, a lack of attraction for a partner, and past traumatic events. Premature ejaculation, the most common form of sexual dysfunction in men, often is due to nervousness over how well he will perform during sex. Certain drugs, including some antidepressants, may affect ejaculation, as can nerve damage to the spinal cord or back.

Retrograde ejaculation is common in males with diabetes who suffer from diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage). This is due to problems with the nerves in the bladder and the bladder neck that allow the ejaculate to flow backward. In other men, retrograde ejaculation occurs after operations on the bladder neck or prostate, or after certain abdominal operations. In addition, certain medications, particularly those used to treat mood disorders, may cause problems with ejaculation.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to attain and/or maintain an erection suitable for intercourse. Causes of erectile dysfunction include diseases affecting blood flow, such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries); nerve disorders; psychological factors, such as stress, depression, and performance anxiety (nervousness over his ability to sexually perform); and injury to the penis. Chronic illness, certain drugs, and a condition called Peyronie's disease (scar tissue in the penis) also can cause erectile dysfunction.

What Is Inhibited Sexual Desire?

Inhibited desire, or loss of libido, refers to a decrease in desire for, or interest in sexual activity. Reduced libido can result from physical or psychological factors. It has been associated with low levels of the hormone testosterone. It also may be caused by psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression; medical illnesses, such as diabetes and high blood pressure; certain medications, including some antidepressants; and relationship difficulties.

How Are Male Sexual Problems Diagnosed?

To diagnose a man's sexual problem, the doctor likely will begin with a thorough history of symptoms and a physical exam. He or she may order other tests to rule out any medical problems that may be contributing to the dysfunction. The doctor may refer you to other health professionals, including a urologist (a doctor specializing in the urinary tract and male reproductive system), sex therapist, and other counselors.

How Is Male Sexual Dysfunction Treated?

Many cases of sexual dysfunction can be corrected by treating the underlying physical or psychological problems. Treatment strategies may include the following:
  • Medical treatment: This involves treatment of any physical problem that may be contributing to a man's sexual dysfunction.
  • Medications: Medications, such as Cialis, Levitra, Staxyn, Stendra, or Viagra may help improve erectile function in men by increasing blood flow to the penis. Promescent is a drug used to treat premature ejaculation. The topical spray is applied to the penis and contains lidocaine, reducing sensitivity and allowing for more ejaculation control.
  • Hormones: Men with low levels of testosterone may benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.
  • Psychological therapy: Therapy with a trained counselor can help a person address feelings of anxiety, fear, or guilt that may have an impact on sexual function.
  • Mechanical aids: Aids such as vacuum devices and penile implants may help men with erectile dysfunction.
  • Education and communication: Education about sex and sexual behaviors and responses may help a man overcome his anxieties about sexual performance. Open dialogue with your partner about your needs and concerns also helps to overcome many barriers to a healthy sex life.

Missing Birth Control Pills

What Should I Do if I Forgot to Take My Birth Control Pills?

If you forget to take a birth control pill, take it as soon as you remember. If you don't remember until the next day, go ahead and take 2 pills that day. If you forget to take your pills for 2 days, take 2 pills the day you remember and 2 pills the next day. You will then be back on schedule. If you miss more than 2 birth control pills, call your health care provider for instructions. Those instructions may be to take one pill daily until Sunday and then start a new pack or to discard the rest of the pill pack and start over with a new pack that same day.
Any time you forget to take a pill, you must use another form of birth control until you finish the pill pack. When you forget to take a birth control pill, you increase the chance of releasing an egg from your ovary. However, if you forget to take any of the last 7 (or last 4 of a 4-pill placebo pack or last 2 of a 2-pill placebo pack) out of the 28 day pills, you will not raise your chance of pregnancy, because these pills contain only inactive ingredients. Some pill packs don’t have any placebo pills, so it is best to take all of your pills on schedule so that you can stay on track.  If you miss your period and have forgotten to take one or more pills, get a pregnancy test. Many women do not have a period on low dose birth control pills even if they don’t miss any pills.  This is considered normal and should not cause any concern.

Flu Symptoms

It can be hard to tell the difference between the flu and the common cold, since the symptoms can be similar. But if you know the warning signs of flu, you can get treatment quickly and work on feeling better, sooner.

What Do You Need to Know About Flu Symptoms?

Unlike a cold, flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. Another key sign is a fever, which may not happen with a cold. You might also have:
  • Severe aches in your joints and muscles
  • Pain and tiredness around your eyes
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Warm, flushed skin and red, watery eyes
  • Headache
  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat and runny nose
Adults with seasonal flu don’t usually vomit or have diarrhea, but children might. Some symptoms can mean your illness is severe. Get immediate medical help if you have any of the following:
  • Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
  • Pain or pressure in your chest or belly
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Severe vomiting

Will Your Symptoms Get Worse?

You Think You Have the Flu. Now What?

In most cases, the best way to treat the flu is to:
  • Rest at home.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Avoid contact with other people.
But people who are very sick or who have other medical conditions may need treatment with prescription medications, called antiviral drugs.
Antiviral drugs -- Relenza and Tamiflu -- are most effective when you take them within 48 hours after you start showing symptoms of flu. They can shorten the length of your illness by 1 day if you take them within this early window. They may also help even after the 2 days, especially in people who are very sick.
Your doctor may want you to take antiviral drugs if you have a high risk of complications from the flu.

When Is Flu Season?

Seasonal flu follows a fairly predictable pattern, starting in the fall and ending in the spring. A good sign that it’s started is the sudden rise in the number of school-aged children sick at home with flu-like illness. This first outbreak is soon followed by a flu uptick in other age groups, especially adults.

Heart Transplant

A heart transplant is surgery in which a patient with a life-threatening heart problem receives a new, healthy heart from a person who has died. In a heart transplant, the patient who receives the new heart (the recipient) is someone who has a 30 percent or greater risk of dying within 1 year without a new heart. Although there is no absolute age limit, most transplants are performed on patients younger than 70 years old.
The person who provides the healthy heart (the donor) is usually someone who has been declared brain dead and is still on life-support machinery. Heart donors are usually younger than 50, have no history of heart problems, and do not have any infectious diseases.
The recipient and donor must be a good match, meaning that certain proteins on their cells (called antigens) are similar. A good match will reduce the risk that the recipient's immune system will see the donor heart as a foreign object and attack it in a process called organ rejection.
Surgeons perform about 2,200 heart transplants each year in the United States. More than 3,000 people remain on the national waiting list for a donor heart. At these rates, up to 15 percent of patients on the waiting list will die before a suitable heart is found.

What It's Used For

A heart transplant treats irreversible heart failure when other treatment options fail. In the United States, heart transplants are performed for several types of cardiac illness, including:
  • Severe coronary artery disease
  • Cardiomyopathy, an illness that damages the heart muscle
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Irreparably damaged heart valves
  • A second transplant after a first heart transplant fails


To get into a heart transplantation program, you must meet certain requirements. Although these requirements vary slightly from program to program, the typical heart transplant candidate usually fits the following profile:
  • Is younger than 70
  • , but lLikely to die within 1 year without a heart transplant
  • Have no other potentially life-threatening medical problems except for heart disease. Problems that can disqualify a candidate include significant irreversible kidney, lung, or liver disease, HIV, pneumonia or another active infection, cancer, and or a history of stroke or significant circulatory problems.
  • Is emotionally stable
  • Is willing to follow the rigorous program of lifestyle changes and medication that is necessary after a heart transplant
Preparing for a heart transplant includes getting a thorough cardiac evaluation with a chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (EKG), heart catheterization, echocardiogramphy and a heart biopsy. Blood tests will be done to evaluate kidney function and check for anemia and other blood problems and rule out viral illnesses such as HIV, hepatitis, herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus. Blood also is drawn for blood typing and tissue typing (used to find a donor match).
If you smoke cigarettes or have problems with drug or alcohol abuse, you may be required must to complete a substance-abuse treatment program before you will be considered a possible candidate for a heart transplant.
You will meet regularly with members of the transplantation team. These specialists offer a wide range of support aimed at helping you through the long period before your transplant. For most patients, the waiting time is at least 12 months.

How It's Done

A nurse will insert an intravenous (IV) line into a vein in your arm to deliver fluids and medications, and you will be given anesthesia to make you unconscious. After your surgeon inspects the donor heart to confirm that it looks healthy and suitable for transplantation, he or she will make a large incision in the middle of your chest. You will be placed on a heart-lung machine, which pumps your blood during surgery.
The surgeons removes your failing heart, then positions the donor heart in your chest and sutures (sews) it in place. Your new heart was cooled to preserve it before transplantation. As it warms up to room temperature, it might begin to beat on its own. If not, the surgeon may trigger your heart to start beating with an electric shock.
Once your new heart pumps steadily without leaks, the surgical team disconnects you from the heart-lung machine and stitches your chest closed. You are then taken to the intensive care unit for monitoring.
You will probably be After 2 or 3 days in the intensive care unit for at least 2 to 3 days. , you can move to a private room. Next, you will to a regular hospital room with close monitoring.You will continue to be monitored You can expect, and will get daily blood tests and frequent echocardiograms until you are stable enough to go home. The total hospital stay is about 10 days.


Before you leave the hospital, your doctor will prescribe several medications to help prevent infections and reduce the risk that your body will reject your new heart. You will also receive a schedule for follow-up visits. You can expect to have an echocardiogram, blood tests and a heart biopsy (the removal of a piece of heart tissue) about every 7 to 10 days during the first 1 to 2 months after your transplantation, then every 14 days for the next 2 to 4 months. If all goes well, the tests and biopsies will need to be performed less frequently.
If you have any questions, concerns or unexpected symptoms after your transplant, contact the transplantation team at any hour of the day or night.


Survival rates are slightly higher for males compared to females. More than 75% of heart transplant recipients are alive 3 years after their surgery. About 70% survive for 5 or more years. The leading cause of death is infection, not organ rejection. With proper medical treatment to suppress the immune system, most patients can avoid signs of rejection during the first year after transplantation.

High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure has two components:
  • Systolic pressure is the top number. It represents the pressure the heart generates when it beats to pump blood to the rest of the body.
  • Diastolic pressure is the bottom number. It refers to the pressure in the blood vessels between heartbeats.
Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). So blood pressure would be expressed, for example, as 120/80 mmHg.
High blood pressure is diagnosed when one or both of these numbers is too high. High blood pressure is also called hypertension.
Blood pressure is categorized as follows:
Normal: Less than 120/80 mmHg
Prehypertension: 120/80 to 139/89 mmHg
Stage 1 hypertension: 140/90 to 159/99 mmHg
Stage 2 hypertension: 160/100 mmHg and above
Usually, systolic pressure increases as we age. However, after age 60, diastolic pressure usually begins to decline.
Prehypertension is not a disease—yet. But it does mean you are at increased risk for developing high blood pressure.
Although high blood pressure can cause symptoms such as headache and pounding heartbeat, it often causes no symptoms at all.
So why worry about high blood pressure? Because even when high blood pressure is not causing any symptoms, it can silently damage many organs, including the:
  • Brain
  • Eyes
  • Heart
  • Kidneys
  • Arteries throughout the body
You may not recognize the damage that silent hypertension has been doing to your body until you suddenly are stricken with a major disease. For example, hypertension increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)


Usually, hypertension does not directly cause symptoms. When blood pressure is very high, it can cause:
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Ringing in the ears


The diagnosis of hypertension depends on blood pressure readings. Therefore, it's essential that blood pressure be measured carefully.
To obtain an accurate blood pressure measurement:
  • Avoid the following for at least one hour before you have your blood pressure taken:
    • Strenuous exercise
    • Smoking
    • Eating
    • Drinking caffeinated beverages
  • Be seated for at least five minutes before the reading is taken.
  • Do not talk while your blood pressure is being measured.
  • Two readings should be recorded and averaged.
If your blood pressure is high, your doctor should examine your eyes, heart and nervous system, to look for evidence of damage from hypertension.
If there is no such evidence, you should return for at least two more blood pressure measurements. Only then should the doctor diagnose you with hypertension. That is because a single high reading can happen to anyone.
Once you are diagnosed with hypertension, other tests will check for organ damage. These tests can include:
  • Blood tests to check kidney function
  • An electrocardiogram (EKG) to look for:
    • Thickening of the heart muscle
    • Reduced blood flow to your heart
    • Irregular heart rhythms


To prevent high blood pressure:
  • Get regular aerobic exercise
  • Limit your intake of salt and alcoholic beverages
  • Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fats
  • Avoid smoking
  • Maintain a desirable body weight
Hypertension increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. So it is important to modify your risk factors for coronary artery disease. In addition to the above actions, you should:
  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce your high LDL (bad) cholesterol
You may be able to cure your hypertension with lifestyle changes alone.


Sometimes lifestyle changes cannot adequately control hypertension. If this is the case, medication will be needed.
Antihypertensive medications include:
  • Diuretics
  • Beta-blockers
  • ACE inhibitors
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Alpha-blockers
People with diabetes, kidney disease or heart problems are at higher risk of complications from hypertension. As a result, they are usually treated more aggressively with medications.

When To Call A Professional

Adults should have their blood pressure measured at least every few years.
If your blood pressure is higher than 120/80 mmHg, schedule regular appointments with your doctor. Have your blood pressure monitored more regularly. And get advice about modifying your lifestyle to prevent future problems.


The prognosis for hypertension depends on:
  • How long you've had it
  • How severe it is
  • If you have other conditions (such as diabetes) that increase the risk of complications
Hypertension can lead to a poor prognosis even if you do not have symptoms.
When high blood pressure is treated adequately, the prognosis is much better. Both lifestyle changes and medicines can control your blood pressure.

The Sitting Sickness: Is It Silently Killing You?

The Sitting Sickness: Is It Silently Killing You?

The Sitting Sickness

If you've heard that life is movement, it's true.  If you've heard that just sitting around can kill you, it's also true.  Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide! You may have heard the media reporting recently on several studies showing that prolonged sitting significantly increases the risk for death, including death from heart disease and cancer, but I'm not sure this news has really hit home yet.  
Most people know that exercise is critical for health and preventing disease, but the issue of physical activity and inactivity is much bigger than exercise.  Regardless of the amount of exercise one performs, the level of aerobic fitness one exhibits, or whether a person is thin or overweight, stillness still kills.  Apparent health and leading an otherwise healthy lifestyle does not compensate for extended periods of sitting around, and we Americans do a great deal of sitting around..  We've even built over 4 million miles of roads so we can sit still while we go places!  In fact, the infrastructures and cultures of most developed nations seem to be perfectly designed for physical inactivity. 
The average American watches around 40 hours of television per week, while those over 65 watch an average of 48 hours per week.  I've already written about the harms of television, computer, and tablet use as well as the related media consumed through these devices on GreenMedInfo (see "Do You Have Facebook Affective Disorder").  Sitting is certainly one factor that contributes to the negative health consequences of these technologies.  But there is another gigantic part of modern life in which sitting is the dominant physical activity (or inactivity!).  I'm talking about work!  The average American spends 40 hours per week watching television, 50 hours per week sleeping, and about 45 hours working (unless unemployed/retired).  That leaves about 33 hours per week for other things, many of which also involve sitting (eating, checking Facebook and email, texting, driving/traveling...  sometimes all together, but that is a different newsletter).
Many people, of course, work longer hours and, while some types of work are physically intense, "sitting jobs" are common.  One study showed that office workers spend 95% of their time at work sitting and 82% of this time was nearly motionless!  For many people, then, work contributes 45 hours of or so of physical inactivity per week embedded within 168 hours of mostly physical inactivity per week!  Yet, work can also be 45 hours or so of physical activity per week if one chooses!  While it is obvious that television viewing and other sedentary leisure activities can easily be replaced by more physically active leisure pursuits, we have overlooked the workplace as an additional source of potential physical activity!
This is a rather recent realization, and you may have observed, in response, the growing trend of treadmill desks and stand up desks.  However, it is not that simple.  Standing, per se,  is not really the answer and we don't all need treadmill desks either.  In this article, I want to explore the fascinating physiology of physical inactivity and muscle endocrinology a bit, and then focus in on the key to avoiding the harms of physical inactivity.  Throughout the article, I'll use the term "low-amplitude low-intensity movement".  This term refers to very small movements with minimal to no displacement of the body (low-amplitude) and which produce minimal to no sense of effort (low intensity). The bottom line is, physical activity in the form of low-amplitude low-intensity movement is critical for health and no supplement regimen, dietary modification, or exercise plan can compensate for its lack!  It is time that we stand up to our sitting culture and demand opportunities to move!

The Many Faces of Sitting:

The data is solid; prolonged sitting is unhealthy and it doesn't matter so much whether that stillness is in front of a television or a desk, at home or work, or in a car or airplane.  Not surprisingly, the harmful consequences of prolonged sitting are numerous.  Studies have shown that prolonged sitting shortens life expectancy, increases fat accumulation around the heart, and is associated with metabolic syndrome (abnormal cholesterol or triglycerides, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and abdominal obesity).
In an excellent article from 2009, Bente Petersen describes what he calls the "diseasome of physical inactivity".  He says, "the diseasome of physical inactivity [is] mediated through an interdependent cycle of myokine imbalance or deficiency, immuno-endocrine dysfunction, and abdominal obesity".  His argument needs little additional justification as it is thoroughly supported by modern physiology.  The physical and physiological derangements which underlie Petersen's diseasome of physical inactivity include abdominal obesity, chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, neurodegeneration, and tumor growth.  The resulting cluster of diseases includes type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, colon cancer, and breast cancer.   These relationships are illustrated in "figure 1" below.  Remember, by physical inactivity, we are not just referring to a lack of exercise.   Instead, we are referring to prolonged periods of sitting still, regardless of how much exercise is done.
Diseasome of Physical Inactivity
Figure 1: The Diseasome of Physical Inactivity

The Myokines, Mitochondria, and Metabolic Hormones of Movement:

With every new day, we glimpse the complexity of the human body a bit more, and we laugh (or cry) at the embarrassingly simple assumptions we held in the past.  This is certainly true for muscle physiology.  It was once thought that skeletal muscle cells were just the energy-using, mechanical end-organ of movement.  Yet, today, we realize that skeletal muscle has the capacity to express several hormones and chemical messengers which influence a number of other tissues in the body (probably ALL of the tissues in the body).  Scientists are calling these muscle messengers "myokines" and they are critical to explaining the "diseasome of physical inactivity." It appears that this "diseasome" results from a myokine deficiency!  The list of known myokines includes lipoprotein lipase, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-15, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), and follistatin-like-1.  I know, the scientific jargon is beautiful and exciting!  What is more exciting, though, is that most of these myokines are released as a result of muscle contraction.  Simply by contracting a muscle, one can get a micro-boost of disease preventing myokines!  This is a rather radical realization, as it points out that a part of our endocrine system is directly under conscious control!  So, let us explore a few myokines briefly so that we might better appreciate the endocrine effects of movement and muscle contraction on our bodies.
Lipoprotein Lipase: Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is critical for the cellular uptake of triglycerides and the production of "good" HDL-cholesterol.  Scientists have long searched for a drug to increase LPL activity in order to treat high triglycerides, cholesterol disorders, and cardiovascular disease.  Well, it turns out that a scientific breakthrough is not needed at all, just some muscle contraction. Studies have shown that specific gene mutations that reduce LPL function or production are associated with a 5-fold increase in the odds for heart disease and death.  This gene mutation can essentially be mimicked by inactivity.  If the muscles do not contract, LPL production is minimized.  On the other hand, muscle contraction in the form of low-intensity low-amplitude physical activity increased muscle LPL production by 10-fold.  Many of the lipid benefits of exercise (improved HDL cholesterol and particle size) may be mediated by the same mechanism. The implications of this may be far-reaching.  For example, since LPL insufficiency is associated with abnormalities in blood lipoproteins, and abnormalities in blood lipoproteins are associated with abnormal hormone levels (eg. Low testosterone, etc.), a lack of LPL may contribute to hormone imbalance.  Can regular muscle contraction and the avoidance of prolonged sitting naturally improve hormone levels?  Hopefully the research on this will continue and inform us more clearly in the future. 
Interleukin (IL)-6:  In response to muscle contractions, muscle cells release IL-6 both locally in the muscle and into the circulation.  In the muscle, IL-6 appears to improve glucose uptake and fat oxidation.  At the same time, it may travel through the blood to the liver to increase glucose synthesis and to the fat cells to increase lipolysis (fat break down).  This is a nice little system here; through IL-6, the muscle enables itself to better utilize glucose and fat while it simultaneously improves the availability of these fuels in the blood.  Through this mechanism, muscle contraction may lower blood glucose and help reduce body fat, from which a number of positive physiological changes follow.  Additionally, IL-6 may be responsible for the anti-inflammatory cascade seen as a result of exercise.  This suggests that muscle contraction in the form of low-intensity low-amplitude movement throughout the workday, might have a chronic anti-inflammatory effect as well.
IL-15: Less is known about this myokine.  IL-15 appears to play a role in muscle growth and lipid metabolism, possibly affecting cardiovascular disease risk.  Additionally, a mouse study found that elevated circulating levels of IL-15 resulted in significant reductions in body fat and increased bone mineral content!
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF): BDNF was named based on its ability to stimulate the growth of new brain cells.  However, like many hormone-like compounds, it is produced by, and has effects on, many tissues in the body, including those outside of the brain.  Muscle cells appear to produce BDNF, but researchers are not sure that significant amounts are released into the circulation.  Within the muscle, it appears to increase fat oxidation and, thus, helps with muscle energy production.  If a significant amount of muscle BDNF is actually released into the circulation, it may help reduce the risk of several disorders including Alzheimer's disease, major depression, impaired cognitive function, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes, and obesity!  More research is needed!
Erythropoetin (EPO):  This hormone, now infamous due to its use in sports doping, is known mostly for its ability to stimulate the production of red blood cells.  Traditional physiology teaches that this hormone is secreted from the kidneys in response to hypoxemia (limited oxygen in the blood) or ischemia (limited blood flow). Both conditions can be generated through exercise, and hypoxemia occurs at high altitude as well.  However, it appears that EPO may have additional effects on the body beyond red blood cell production and may be produced by tissues other than the kidneys.  While the evidence is not conclusive, it appears that contracting muscle cells may produce and secrete EPO.  This muscle derived EPO may then have significant effects on body fat, lean muscle mass, insulin sensitivity, and muscle vascularization.  In one study, a gene which enhances EPO production was inserted into a leg muscle in mice.  The increase in EPO from that single leg muscle had effects on the entire body, including a 28% reduction in total body fat, a 14% increase in total muscle mass, and a 25% increase in vascularization of the "transfected" muscle.  Muscle fat oxidation was increased and insulin levels were normalized as well.  While there has been limited research on whether low amplitude, low intensity muscle contraction increases circulating levels of EPO, it remains a very real possibility, making EPO a potentially powerful myokine of movement.
Mitochondria:  Mitochondria are the source of cellular energy, and cellular energy is the source of body energy and life itself!  Declines and dysfunction in these energy generating cellular compartments may underlie a number of diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, and various cancers.  In contrast, higher mitochondrial numbers and excellent mitochondrial function are associated with reduced disease risk, improved energy and vitality, and greater aerobic capacity.  While mitochondria are very different than myokines, they have one very important thing in common; that is muscle contraction.  A cascade of events that increases the number of mitochondria (mitochondrial biogenesis) in a cell is triggered by calcium ion flux and, in short, calcium ion flux occurs with muscle contraction[30].  Thus, muscle contraction alone can stimulate mitochondria to expand and proliferate.  Muscle inactivity, on the other hand, is associated with a reduction in key mitochondrial metabolic proteins as well as a reduction in the replication of mitochondrial DNA and mitochondrial proliferation[31],[32]. There is intense interest in nutraceutical, herbal, and pharmaceutical interventions which can increase mitochondria number and function, but let's not forget about movement, the most cost-effective intervention!
Grehlin and Leptin:  These two hormones are central to the regulation of food energy intake and metabolism.  Grehlin promotes hunger and caloric intake, while leptin promotes satiety (fullness) and fat metabolism.  Grehlin should rise during fasted states (like before a meal) while leptin should rise during fed states (like after a meal).  However, one study showed that sitting (compared to standing) resulted in greater hunger and less fullness despite identical food energy intake.  Interestingly, the mechanism was different between genders, with sitting males showing higher levels of grehlin compared to standing males, and sitting females showing lower levels of leptin compared to standing females.  One likely outcome of increased hunger is excess caloric intake and weight gain over time.  Indeed, another study demonstrated that office workers who had more frequent interruptions in sitting time had significantly lower waist circumference than other workers with fewer interruptions.  In addition to the grehlin and leptin effects of frequent movement and interruption in sitting time, weight loss and leanness may be promoted simply from increased energy expenditure.  A study comparing the energy expenditure of office workers while sitting at a traditional desk vs. walking very slowly at a treadmill desk showed that the walking desk required 119 more calories per hour.  Therefore, an overweight person could lose 1 pound per week (3500 calories), or around 45-50 pounds per year, by using a treadmill desk for 6 hours per day during the weekdays.  Yet, treadmill desks are not the only option.  Another study showed that simply standing at a computer instead of sitting increased caloric expenditure by 81.6 calories per hour.  That amounts to almost ¾ of a pound per week of weight loss or 30 to 35 pounds of weight loss per year, with 6 hours of standing per day during the weekdays. However, considering the above discussion about myokines and muscle contraction, our goal will be not simply to stand instead of sit, but to maximize muscle contraction while still effectively working.  Hopefully you are already convinced that muscle contraction is the key to avoiding the harms of physical inactivity but, before we talk about how to contract muscles at work, there are a few more very important benefits of muscle contraction that I want to mention.

Don't Just Sit (or Stand) There, Move Something!

In addition the role muscle contraction plays in the optimal function of the endocrine system and human physiology in general, the mechanical forces from muscles contracting in the setting of gravity provide numerous direct benefits as well.  For example, the articular cartilage in the joints and intervertebral discs in the spine require these mechanical forces for nourishment and waste product removal.  These tissues have no direct blood supply and rely on the "milking" or "pumping" action of movement for health.  Without movement, these tissues desiccate (dry) and degenerate (crack and thin), resulting in osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease.  Many are surprised to realize that movement prevents arthritis rather than contributes to it.

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