

Metabolism and Weight Loss

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To understand this process even more clearly, we can introduce a very important player in the weight loss game: the


Calories are simply units of measure. They aren’t actually
things in and of themselves; they are labels for other things, just
like how an inch really isn’t anything, but it measures the
distance between two points.
So what do calories measure?
Easy: they measure energy.
Yup, the evil calorie – the bane of the dieter’s existence – is
really just a 3-syllable label for energy.
And it’s important to highlight this, because the body itself,
despite its vast intelligence (much of which medical science
cannot yet understand, only appreciate in awe) does not really do
a very intelligent job of distinguishing good energy from bad.
Actually, to be blunt, the body doesn’t care about where the
energy comes from. Let’s explore this a little more, because it’s
very important to the overall understanding of how to boost your
metabolism, particularly when we look at food choices.
In our choice-laden grocery stores, with dozens of varieties
of foods – hundreds, perhaps – there seems to be a fairly clear
awareness of what’s good food, and what’s bad or junk food.
For example, we don’t need a book to remind us that, all else
being equal, a plum is a good food, whereas a tub of thick and
creamy double-fudge ice cream is a bad food.
Not bad tasting, of course; but, really, you won’t find many
fit people eating a vat of ice cream a day, for obvious reasons. So
what does this have to do with calories and energy?
It’s this: while you and I can evaluate our food choices and
say that something (like a plum) is a healthy source of energy,
and something else (like a tub of ice cream) is an unhealthy
source of energy, the body doesn’t evaluate. Really.
It sounds strange and amazing, but the body really doesn’t
care. To the body, energy is energy. It takes whatever it gets,
and doesn’t really know that some foods are healthier than
others. It’s kind of like a garbage disposal: it takes what you put
down it, whether it should go down or not.
So let’s apply this to the body, and to weight gain. When the
body receives a calorie – which, as we know, is merely a label for
energy – it must do something with that energy.
In other words, putting all other nutrients and minerals
aside, if a plum delivers 100 calories to the body, it has to accept
those 100 calories. The same goes for 500 calories from a (small)
tub of ice cream: those 500 calories have to be dealt with.
Now, the body does two things to that energy: it either
metabolizes it via anabolism, or it metabolizes it via
catabolism. That is, it will either convert the energy (calories)
into cells/tissue, or it will use that energy (calories) to break
down cells.
Now the link between calories/energy, metabolism, and
weight loss becomes rather clear and direct.
When there is an excess of energy, and the body can’t use
this energy to deal with any needs at the time, it will be forced to
create cells with that extra energy. It has to.
It doesn’t necessarily want to, but after figuring out that the
energy can’t be used to do anything (such as help you exercise or
digest some food), it has to turn it into cells through anabolism.
And those extra cells? Yup, you guessed it: added weight!
In a nutshell (and nuts have lots of calories by the way, so
watch out and eat them in small portions...), the whole
calorie/metabolism/weight gain thing is really just about excess
energy. When there are too many calories in the body – that is,
when there’s too much energy from food – then the body
transforms those calories into stuff.
And that stuff, most of the time, is fat. Sometimes, of
course, those extra calories are transformed into muscle; and this
is usually a good thing for those watching their weight or trying
to maintain an optimal body fat ratio.
In fact, because muscles require calories to maintain, people
with strong muscle tone burn calories without actually doing
anything; their metabolism burns it for them.
This is the primary reason why exercising and building lean
muscle is part of an overall program to boost your metabolism;
because the more lean muscle you have, the more places excess
calories can go before they’re turned into fat.

Best Foods For Sex Power :

Image result for Best Foods For Sex Power :

Here are some of the most common symptoms reflecting low sexual power and stamina:
·         Ejaculation is earlier
·         Duration of orgasm is a minimum
·         Erection is insufficient
·         Satisfaction is not gained
·         Inability to perform fully
And here are some common causes of decreased sex stamina and power in men:
·         Low testosterone level
·         Low endurance level
·         Premature ejaculation
·         Impotency
·         Ageing
·         Distress and anxiety
·         Prolonged illness, such as heart diseases, diabetes, etc.
The following would be what food to eat to increase sex power and foods for sex power that men should make use!

1. Onion: 

This is the very first out of good foods for sex power and stamina that I would like to introduce in this article and want you and my other readers to learn and make use as soon as possible for good!
Onions are aphrodisiac, making it useful in improving males’ sex power and stamina fast and naturally. To make use of onion, you just need to feel white onion and fry it together with butter. You should consume this fried combination with one teaspoon of honey added to increase flavor. You will need to ensure that you will consume this on an empty stomach (make sure your stomach has been empty for at least 2 hours before consuming the fried butter – onion combination). This will surely help you deal with the issue of reduced sexual stamina and premature ejaculation. It is of the great home remedies revealing what food to eat to increase sex power and stamina in men.

2. Vanilla: 

Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) was once banned by the Puritans as it provides great sexual stimulation. The name “vanilla” is actually originated from “little vagina” – a the Latin meaning and as several people know, the Orchid family and its related plants; for example, vanilla, have very suggestive anatomically correct flowers in terms of sex.
You can make food dishes with more zest, such as vanilla and cinnamon but cloves, ginger, garlic, and cardamom — all of which are aphrodisiac and warming. In fact, this is also a great out of the foods for sex power people should know and try making use to improve sex life!

3. Oat Straw:

Oat Straw (Avena sativa) is relaxing, nutritive and warming. It has long been considered similar to a tonic that can help in aiding impotence, preventing premature ejaculation, improving sexual ability, and increasing libido. As it can help to nourish the nervous system, oat straw can make tactile sensations more pleasurable for both women and men. This is also a great food among the list of the best foods for sex power and stamina – a food that you should add to the best food diet for sex power if you really want to improve your sexual life and get permanent happiness.

4. Ginkgo:

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) can help in relaxing blood vessels so that nutrients could be delivered throughout your body better. By improving the insufficiency of vascular, it can help to increase the body’s blood flow to your penis. Ginkgo is actually one of the best kidneys tonic and rejuvenating supporter. In fact, this is among the best and most effective foods for sex power as well as the answer for the question of what could be added to the best food diet for sex power.

5. Almond: 

Contributing to my list of feisty foods today, almond has long been used aiming to increase the sexual passion, acting as a great sex booster, and supporting your fertility as well. Similar to asparagus (another food that is considered a “sexy food”), almond is very rich in nutrient and abundant in a lot of trace minerals that are essential for improving reproduction and sexual health, including selenium, zinc, and vitamin E.  In fact, according to a prestigious expert, zinc can help to boost libido and sexual desire effectively and quickly. Thus, this is also among the most interesting and good foods for sex power that can be added to the best food diet for sex power and help men in the world achieve the greatest levels of sex drive without using any type of medications.

6. Seafood: 

Despite their slimy and slippery texture, oyster might be the most famous aphrodisiac out there. They are also among the best food sources of zinc – a libido-boosting substance. However, another kind of seafood can also work effectively as aphrodisiacs. Oily fish — similar to herring and wild salmon — contain a lot of essential nutrients which are essential for us to develop a healthy heart. Thus, seafood should be added to your daily diet to make it the best food diet for sex power that can help you increase sex drive and stamina fast and naturally! Actually, seafood is among the best foods for sex that you should consume on a regular basis for good!

Solution for Overcoming Sleeplessness

What is Sleeplessness?

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If you struggle falling asleep or wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, and this persists for a few days, a few weeks or longer, you suffer from sleeplessness, a serious disorder that robs your body of the rest it requires to re-energize you physically, mentally and emotionally. A typical form of sleeplessness, also referred to as insomnia, occurs when you wake up during the night, realize you are wide-awake when you should be sleeping and then become anxious. The anxiety causes adrenaline to flood the system and adrenaline prompts the body into action – the opposite of what you need for effective sleep.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Sleeplessness affects all age groups. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that about 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia each year. The National Sleep Foundation reports that disordered sleep – difficulty falling asleep, light sleep or nonrestorative sleep for several nights or more weekly – affects nearly two-thirds of American adults at some point. It’s believed that sleeplessness increases as we grow older. More than half of older Americans have trouble sleeping and think it’s a part of aging. It’s not.

What’s Causing Your Sleeplessness?

Stress is a leading cause of abnormal sleep patterns. Research shows it is a common trigger for both short-term and chronic insomnia. Stress can result from health concerns, depression and anxiety among other things, but perhaps the most insidious cause is the fast paced world in which we live. Technology, world events and our ever-increasing knowledge about our world and the universe seem to have put time on a relentless treadmill and keeping up can wear out even the most determined among us. Scientific research by the Institute of HeartMath shows stress creates incoherence in our heart rhythms, and when the heart is out of sync normal sleep patterns can be interrupted.

Benefits of Restful Sleep

  • Wake up feeling rested, refreshed and ready for the new day
  • Increased mental awareness, concentration, focus
  • Body energized, alert; less potential for accidents
  • Improved memory
  • Reduced risk of illness, disease

Tools For Solving Sleeplessness

If sleep has plunged to the bottom of your to-do list, you're not alone. Although the National Sleep Foundation recommends getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night, the average American logs only six hours and 40 minutes. What gives? Blame crazy schedules and, of course, sleeping woes. Before you rush to the drugstore to buy an over-the-counter (OTC) sleep medication, try one of the following natural sleep remedies. "These are safer and have fewer side effects than OTC medications," says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of From Fatigued to Fantastic and medical director of the national Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers. Many of these can not only help you fall asleep and stay asleep, but they may also promote muscle relaxation.

Magnesium and calcium are both sleep boosters, and when taken together, they become even more effective. Plus, by taking magnesium, you cancel out any potential heart problems that might arise from taking calcium alone. Take 200 milligrams of magnesium—lower the dose if it causes diarrhea—and 600 milligrams of calcium each night.

If you've suffered anxiety, headaches, or muscle or joint pain, you might already be familiar with wild lettuce. It's also effective at calming restlessness and reducing anxiety—and may even quell restless legs syndrome. When using a wild-lettuce supplement, take 30 to 120 milligrams before bed.

Beer fans will no doubt be familiar with the calming effect of hops, the female flowers used in beer making. For sleep purposes, though, this extract has been widely used as a mild sedative for anxiety and insomnia. Take 30 to 120 milligrams before climbing under the covers.

Lavender is the trick here, as studies have proven that it aids in sleep. It's also a cheap, nontoxic way to slip into a peaceful slumber. Find a spray with real lavender and spritz it on your pillow before bedtime. Or buy a lavender-filled pillow.

Melatonin is the hormone that controls sleep, so it's no wonder that it naturally induces sleep. Although some experts recommend taking higher doses, studies show that lower doses are more effective. Plus, there's concern that too-high doses could cause toxicity as well as raise the risk of depression or infertility. Take 0.3 to 0.5 milligrams before bed.

Home Remedies for Unwanted Hair

Image result for unwanted hair

1.    Sugar Lemon Mix For Facial Hair

Sugar mixed with water and lemon juice will help in exfoliating your face and offer natural bleach to your face. The lemon juice used will help in lightening the color of your facial hair. These three ingredients combine to help effectively remove hair on your face as well as other parts of the body. It is advisable not to use these ingredients on sensitive parts.
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 10 tablespoons of water
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • One small bowl
  • Mix sugar and water in the small bowl.
  • Once the sugar solution is ready, add lemon juice into the bowl and mix well.
  • Now apply this sugar and lemon mixture on your face in the direction of hair growth on the face.
  • Allow this mixture to rest on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with water after 20 minutes, by rubbing the mixture gently with your hands.
  • Repeat this process two to three times a week to see a reduction in facial hair.

2.    Sugar, Honey and Lemon Mixture for Hair on Legs and Arms

Sugar mixed with water, lemon and honey is a very good home remedy to remove unwanted hair from your body. It acts like wax and is very effective in removing unwanted hair growth on legs and arms. This procedure would be a bit painful as it is more or less similar to waxing and plucking done in beauty parlors.
Ingredients and Tools
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of organic honey
  • Water (optional to make the paste thinner)
  • Cornstarch or all purpose flour- 1 to 2 teaspoons
  • Piece of cloth or waxing strip
  • Spatula for waxing or butter knife
  • In a small bowl, take sugar, lemon and honey and mix them well.
  • Heat this mixture for three minutes in a vessel to make it a smooth, free flowing paste.
  • If you find the paste to be a bit thick, add water and mix well. Allow this mixture to cool at room temperature.
  • Clean the body parts where you need to apply this mixture and then dust it with cornstarch or all purpose flour.
  • Use the waxing spatula and apply a generous amount of warm sugar, lemon and honey mixture on the areas where you do not want to see unwanted hair.
  • Apply it in the direction of the hair growth and once done cover it with a cloth or waxing strips and press to make it stick on the paste.
  • Pull the strip in the opposite direction if your hair growth to effectively remove unwanted hair.
  • You can repeat this process whenever you spot unwanted hair growth on your hands or legs.

3.    Sugar Molasses Home Wax Treatment

Mixing sugar with molasses or corn syrup will give you the same effect that you get when mixing sugar, honey and lemon together. Magnesium is a main component seen in molasses that will help in balancing the hormones. It is quite effective in offering slow and steady relief from unwanted hair. Mixing the sugar with molasses or corn syrup will make the molasses become a depilatory wax that you can use on your hands and legs to remove unwanted hair.
  • One cup sugar
  • Molasses’ or dark corn syrup
  • Juice of half lemon
  • Cloth or waxing strip
  • Vessel
  • Take a microwave safe vessel and add sugar to it.
  • Add a drizzle of molasses on top of the sugar and microwave the vessel for two to three minutes.
  • Make sure that the sugar dissolves completely and then add freshly squeezed lemon juice into this mixture.
  • Stir well and if needed you can microwave the mixture for another two to three minutes until all ingredients blend well.
  • Allow it to cool at room temperature and when the liquid is a bit warm apply it on the hands and the legs where you see unwanted hair growth.
  • Now place the waxing strip on this applied mixture and press it.
  • Pull it off to get rid of unwanted hair and repeat this process whenever you spot unwanted hair growth on hands and legs. This is a painful process.

4.    Lentil and Potatoes

Potatoes when combined with yellow lentil will help in effectively removing unwanted hair. Potatoes have natural bleach properties in them. The combination of these two items will help in making the hair color lighter. It is an Ayurvedic process to get rid of the hair on the face and other parts of the body.

  • One potato
  • A bowl of yellow lentil
  • One tablespoon of honey
  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Sieve or cloth
  • You need to yellow lentil in water overnight.
  • Peel off the skin of the potato and crush it. Take it in a bowl.
  • Remove all the water from the lentil and grind it to make a paste.
  • Now you need to extract the juice from the crushed potato and add it to the yellow lentil paste.
  • To this mixture add freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey and mix well.
  • Apply this mixture on your face and other parts of the body where you have unwanted hair.
  • Leave it to rest on your body parts for about 20 to 30 minutes or until the paste completely dries out.
  • Now remove the paste from the a-plied area by rubbing your fingers over the paste. The dry lentil paste will pull off the hair from your body as you rub the paste.
  • You need to repeat this process two to three times in a fortnight to get rid of unwanted hair completely.

5.    Alum Rosewater Treatment

Another home remedy that helps in easy unwanted hair removal that is used commonly by women in India and Pakistan is alum and rosewater treatment. Alum is easily available in the market in powdered form. If you are able to get hold of the rock of alum, then you need to grind it to make it into powder.
  • Half teaspoon of alum powder
  • Two  to  three tablespoons of rose water
  • Olive oil or sesame oil (few drops)
  • Cotton ball for application
  • Add rose water to the alum powder placed in a small bowl.
  • Dissolve the powder completely in rose water with the help of a spoon.
  • Take a cotton ball and dip it in the rose water mixture.
  • Apply this mixture on the areas where you have unwanted hair.
  • Allow it to sit there and when it dries off completely, apply the rose water and alum powder mixture once again.
  • Repeat this process for an hour. If you have sensitive skin, then it is better to stop the process after 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off completely and then dab some sesame oil or olive oil to moisturize the area.
  • Repeat this process three to four times in a week for a few weeks to completely get rid of unwanted hair.

6.    Egg Mask Facial Hair Removal

Egg white is a sticky substance like sugar, lemon and honey mask. Once it dries on your face, it is very easy to pull it off and when you pull it down, the unwanted facial hair will also come along with it. But, you may experience pain when pulling off the dried egg mask.
  • Half a tablespoon of Corn flour
  • One egg
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Bowl for mixing
  • Break an egg and take the white from the egg in a bowl.
  • Add corn flour and sugar to it. Stir the ingredients well and make it a smooth paste.
  • Now apply this as a face mask and allow it to dry on your face for about 20 to 25 minutes.
  • It will become a think egg mask on your face once it dries completely.
  • Now with a firm hand peel off the egg mask from your face in such a manner that the facial hair also is pulled out.
  • Repeat this procedure two to three times in a week to completely get rid of facial hair.

7.    Banana and Oatmeal Scrub

Banana is a natural ingredient that can be used to remove unwanted hair from the body when mixed with a roughening ingredient like oatmeal that will help in exfoliating your skin. The banana will help in making your skin soft and supple and oatmeal will act as the cleanser for your skin. Both combine to give unique and effective results.
  • Take a ripe banana and mash it in such a way that it becomes a paste.
  • To this bowl of banana paste, add one or two teaspoons of oatmeal and mix it well.
  • Apply generous amount of this paste on unwanted hairs on your body and then rub it in circular motion.
  • Allow this paste to sit on unwanted hair areas for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with water to remove the paste completely.
  • Repeat this process two times in a week for a few weeks to get rid of unwanted hair from your body parts as well as face.

8.    Raw Papaya

This remedy is suitable for all skin types including those with sensitive skin. There is an enzyme present in raw papaya called “papain” which helps restricting the growth of hair by breaking down the hair follicles from which the hair grows.  This remedy is also useful in improving the texture of the skin as it works as exfoliate and removes the dead skin cells. There are two methods for using this remedy.

Method -1 (Papaya And Turmeric)

  • Take peeled papaya and make it into little pieces
  • Grind the pieces to make fine paste
  • Take 2 tablespoons of this papaya paste and mix it well with ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Apply this mixture to the face or legs or to the unwanted hair on other parts of the body
  • Massage the skin with this mixture for about 15-20 minutes and later wash it with water
  • Repeat this remedy at least twice a week to remove the unwanted body or facial hair.

Method -2 (Papaya and Aloe Vera)

  • 1 tablespoon papaya paste or powder
  • 3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon mustard oil
  • ¼ tablespoon Gram flour
  • ¼ tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 2 drops of any essential oil
  • Clean and dry cloth
  • Any moisturizer or 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • Mix papaya paste, gram flour, Aloe Vera gel and turmeric powder, mustard oil and essential oil to make a thick paste
  • Apply this paste on the areas of hair growth in the opposite direction of hair growth
  • Allow the paste to dry for 15-20 minutes
  • Take the clean and dry cloth and remove the dried paste by rubbing the cloth in the opposite direction of hair growth.
  • Wash the area with water and pat dry using the towel
  • Now massage a few drops of olive oil, baby oil or moisturizer on the area
  • Repeat the remedy 3-4 times a week for about 3 months to remove the unwanted hair completely.

9.    Turmeric

Turmeric has been in use for treating skin diseases for centuries in India. Apart from having antibacterial and antiseptic properties turmeric also helps in preventing hair growth. This is a simple but effective method for hair removal. Different methods have to be used for removing thin hairs and for removing thick and dense hair
Process for Thin Hair
  • Take one or two teaspoons of turmeric powder or enough quantity to cover the area of hair growth
  • Soak this powder in sufficient quantity of rose water, milk or water to make it a smooth paste which can be applied to face comfortably.
  • Keep the paste applied on the face or affected area for about 15-20 minutes or till it gets dry
  • Wash off the paste with warm water after 20 minutes
Process for Dense Hair
  • Use turmeric in combination with gram flour or ground oats or rice flour along with milk and use it in a similar way as mentioned in the process for thin hair.

10.    Chickpea

Chickpea flour or gram flour has been used traditionally by Indian mothers to keep their child’s skin soft and clean. They use the gram flour mixed with turmeric, water or milk to apply to the skin to remove unwanted hair growth and to treat the skin problems. Here is the chick flour mask remedy to remove hair growth.
  • ½ cup chickpea flour
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon fresh cream
  • ½ cup milk
  • Mix chickpea flour, turmeric, fresh cream and milk in a bowl to make a paste without lumps
  • Apply this paste on the body from where you want to remove the hair
  • Make sure that each hair in the area is covered with the paste
  • Keep the paste on the skin for about 20-30 minutes
  • When the paste is dried, rub off the mask with your hands. You may wet your hands before rubbing the mask
  • You should rub in the opposite direction of hair growth
  • Wash the mask applied area with lukewarm water
  • Repeat this 3-4 times a week to  get rid of hair growth

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