Nutritional yeast is a fungus that
grows on sugary food surfaces. Nutritional yeast is similar to its
close relative brewer's yeast, a by-product of the beer-making process.
However, nutritional yeast is made with molasses, while brewer's yeast
uses malt. Both brewer's yeast and nutritional yeast differ from baker's
yeast in that their yeast cells are not live, having been killed during
processing. Nutritional yeast, as its name implies, is highly
nutritional and a favored food source of vegetarians.
Nutritional Content
yeast contains 16 out of 20 amino acids, and 14 minerals. It is also an
excellent source of protein, providing 4.6 g in 1 tbsp. As a rich
source of all the B-complex vitamins, nutritional yeast helps metabolize
carbohydrates, fats and proteins, a key role played by these vitamins.
Your nervous and digestive systems also benefit from the B vitamins in
nutritional yeast. If you've been under a lot of stress or gone through a
recent illness, eating nutritional yeast can counteract the depleting
effects of these conditions on B vitamin levels, according to the book
"Quick Access Patient Information on Conditions, Herbs &
cells' nutrient requirements are similar to those of humans. However,
because yeasts typically live out their lives on one food source,
generally a sugary substance with limited nutrient content, they have
evolved the capability to produce many amino acids that humans obtain by
eating a varied diet, according to "Nature's Medicines: from Asthma to
Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol -- The Most Powerful
All-Natural Cures." As such, nutritional yeast qualifies as a type of
nutritional supplement, says Maleskey. Nutritional yeast can be taken in
tablet or liquid form. It is also available as powder and flakes for
use in various recipes.
Chromium in nutritional yeast may help control diabetes,
according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. A study
published in the December 2010 issue of the journal "Biological Trace
Elements Research" found that 15 weeks of supplementation with a
high-chromium yeast decreased levels of HgA1c -- a measure of average
blood sugar over several weeks or months -- and also decreased
triglycerides and total cholesterol levels.
Vitamin B-12
vegans use Red Star brand nutritional yeast as a source of vitamin
B-12. This company grows its nutritional yeast on a medium that contains
vitamin B-12, resulting in significant vitamin B-12 levels in the
finished product, according to nutritionist Vesanto Melina, co-author of
"The Raw Food Revolution Diet: Feast, Lose Weight, Gain Energy, Feel