Bacterial vaginosis,
or BV, occurs when the natural flora, or good bacteria, mostly
lactobacilli, are replaced by large numbers of bad bacteria. When the pH
of the vaginal canal becomes too alkaline, above 4.5, it creates a
favorable environment for the bad bacteria to overgrow. This overgrowth
causes an infection that could potentially lead to complications in the
uterus and fallopian tubes. Causative factors include having a new sex
partner or multiple sex partners, douching, using intrauterine
contraceptive devices, taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, and not using
condoms, as sperm alkalinizes the vagina.
Bacterial Overgrowth
foods can promote bacterial overgrowth by creating a more favorable
environment within the body where the bacteria can thrive and multiply.
Sugar and foods that either contain sugar or turn to sugar in the body
are the biggest culprits and the most important food item to avoid.
Sugar promotes inflammation and acts as food for the bad bacteria. Foods
that dehydrate the body, saturated fats and refined flour products are
also contributors that should be avoided.
Foods to Avoid
you have a current infection or want to avoid an infection, there are
specific foods to avoid to help keep a healthy ecosystem of flora
throughout the body. These foods include alcohol, coffee, fast foods,
saturated fats, foods that contain molds such as peanuts, citrus fruits,
fruits with high glycemic indexes such as bananas, fermented foods,
processed foods, bread, pasta, and anything high in carbohydrates.
Food Allergens
allergens should also be avoided. The top allergenic foods include
dairy products such as milk and cheese, wheat and gluten, eggs, corn,
soy and nuts, specifically peanuts due to their mold content. Although
yogurt contains lactobacilli, it may be best to avoid eating it because
of the dairy content and use a probiotic supplement formulated with lactobacilli instead.
help prevent bacterial vaginosis, eat a diet rich in whole foods and
avoid sugars, refined carbohydrates and food allergens. It's also
important to drink adequate amounts of filtered water
every day. The rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in
ounces of water daily. Your doctor can best advise you about which foods
to avoid and which ones to eat and devise a treatment plan that is best
for you.