

How to Stop Vaginal Burning

How to Stop Vaginal Burning 

Vaginal burning can be caused by infection, irritation from chemicals, vaginitis, contraceptive jellies and foams, and synthetic underwear. Vaginal burning related to infection may be accompanied by redness, soreness, itching and discharge, explains The Merck Manuals Online Medical Library. Treatment for vaginal burning depends on the underlying cause, which must be determined or the condition will worsen.

Step 1

See your doctor. Before effective treatment for vaginal burning can be initiated, you will need a physical examination. Your doctor will take an oral history and may perform a pap smear.

Step 2

Discuss antibiotic treatment options with your doctor if the source of your vaginal burning is related to a bacterial infection. Infections such as bacterial vaginosis can be treated with metronidazole and clindamycin, reports The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG. Antibiotics can be taken orally or inserted directly into the vagina. It is important to finish your entire prescription of antibiotics, or your infection might not completely resolve.

Step 3

Take a sitz bath. A sitz bath is a bath taken in a sitting position with water covering only the rectal and genital regions. The cool water will soothe vaginal burning while reducing bacteria.

Step 4

Insert a vaginal moisturizer such as Replens directly into your vagina, via the applicator and per packaging instructions. This will restore vaginal moisture and decrease irritation and burning. Although effective, you may need to repeat the procedure every 2 or 3 days before experiencing any results.

Step 5

Inquire about estrogen cream. Vaginal atrophy and irritation may respond to topical vaginal estrogen. By inserting estrogen into your vagina, you may be able to restore healthy tissue and eliminate vaginal burning and irritation.

Step 6

Take a pain reliever. Vaginal burning can be caused by irritated and swollen tissues. An over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication can reduce inflammation and swelling, thereby relieving pain and burning.

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